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This resource gives statistics about women in STEM fields and explains ways to increase the number of women in STEM fields, focusing on educating younger girls. This is relevant because while women are still a minority in STEM fields, the gap is lessening. Many of the ideas that this video proposes have been put into effect and STEM education is becoming more common for all students. This video inspires me because it backs up its plans with facts and statistics. I believe that one of the strongest things you can put in your articles or other work is facts and statistics because it shows how real your topic is. A point of discussion that this video poses is wether or not more action needs to be taken to inspire girls to pursue STEM.


This resource inspired my first blog by providing me with statistics and then explaining why the statistics are the way they are. I wanted my first blog to be informative and show how many women are in STEM, where they are concentrated, and other things. Knowing these things provides a basis for my readers about the topic. My resource explains how women are systematically pushed out of STEM fields. This refutes a popular argument that women aren't prominent in STEM fields because they don't want to be and/or aren't good at STEM. The article also gave me inspiration abuot a future blog; how to inspire more girls to persue STEM.

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